Digital Marketing

8 Most Popular Types of Content Marketing

September 1, 2023

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Content marketing is a powerful tool to bring relevant and valuable information to the target audience. Different types of content marketing help drive organic traffic to the website, increase its ranking on search engines, and provide the site with more inbound links. On the other hand, promoting the same content on social media is an efficient way to connect with the audience, boost SEO, and offer customer service. To make the most of social media marketing, businesses need to customize their content according to the platform, understand the audience on each platform, and publish content regularly. However, promoting products should be balanced; the promotional content should comprise only 20% of the total content. When developing a content marketing strategy, one of the most critical decisions is determining the types of content you will create.

8 Types of Content Marketing 

  • Blog Posts: Always a vital part of any content marketing strategy. They establish you as an authority in your industry and help build trust and rapport with your audience. Aim for posts that are 500 to 1,500 words, focused on a single topic, and published regularly – at least once a week or twice a month. Share blog posts on social media to increase traffic.
  • Videos: A great way to engage and inform your audience. You can use them to tell stories, explain products or services, or entertain your audience. Videos are also very shareable on social media, which can help you reach a wider audience.
  • E-books: Also known as digital books, they are an in-depth form of content that provides value to your readers. They show your expertise while capturing contact information. E-books should be at least 5,000 words, focused on a specific topic, and offer actionable advice or insights. Promote your E-book on your website, in your newsletter, and through social media.
  • Case Studies: A case study is the right choice to highlight a success story with one of your clients or customers. They build credibility by showing real-world examples of your work or the impact of using your product. Generally, case studies should describe the challenge, solution, and results. Hence interview your client and include compelling stats and images. Publish case studies on your website and promote them in your marketing.
  • Templates: Used to provide practical value to your audience by giving them tools to accomplish a task. Things like checklists, worksheets, infographics, and guides can all be used as templates. Develop templates based on the needs of your target audience and offer them free downloads on your website in exchange for contact information. Finally promote your templates through email marketing, social media, and search engine optimization.
  • Infographics: They are visually engaging content that conveys information, statistics, and facts. While they capture attention and are easy to share on social media, Infographics should focus on a single topic, use an eye-catching design, and incorporate images, charts, graphs, and minimal text. Publish infographics on your website and promote them on social media to increase traffic and backlinks.
  • Podcasts: This popular content marketing lets you connect personally with your audience. Moreover, they can be used to share your expertise, interview thought leaders, or tell behind-the-scenes stories.
  • Social Media: One of the consequential types of content marketing, social media lets you connect with your audience personally and share your content with a large audience. They can also build relationships with influencers and other key stakeholders.

Types of Content Marketing: Social Media Promotion 

Promoting your content on social media is crucial to maximizing its reach and effectiveness. With this intention, sharing your content across various platforms, you can extend its visibility to new audiences and drive more traffic to your site.

Promoting content on social media-8 Most Popular Types of Content Marketing

  • Choose Relevant Networks

Select the social networks that best match your content and target audience. For example, share blog posts on LinkedIn and Twitter, images on Instagram and Pinterest, and videos on YouTube and Facebook. Make sure to share content on company profiles in addition to your accounts.

  • Share Strategically

Post at optimal times when your followers are most active for the best engagement. Share multiple times across platforms using different captions and visuals for each network—cross-promote related content by linking to other pieces from your site. Like and comment on your followers’ posts to stay engaged with them.

  • Track Your Performance

Monitor how your content is performing by using the analytics tools provided by each network. Look at impressions, engagements, clicks, and traffic referred back to your site. See which types of content and messaging resonate most with your audiences. Adjust your sharing strategy based on these insights to maximize your results over time.

  • Engage With Your Audience

Social media is a two-way conversation, so engage with the people who like, share, and comment on your posts. Thank them for their support and share their posts in return when appropriate. Address any questions or concerns from your followers promptly and professionally. Building these relationships will strengthen your audience’s loyalty and connection to your brand.

To Conclude

Sharing high-quality content consistently on the appropriate social networks, analyzing your performance metrics, and actively engaging with followers is critical to a successful social media promotion strategy. Regular optimization can build greater visibility and traffic over the long run.

In conclusion, each form of content has its strengths and challenges. By understanding them, businesses can prioritize the types of content that work best for their brand. Moreover, every piece of content should solve a real problem for the audience. Once the target audience and content strategy are in place, the content engine can be started to drive engagement, boost SEO, and achieve conversions.

For further reading: Content Marketing Strategy: An Ultimate Guide


1. How can different types of content marketing help my business?

Content marketing is a powerful tool to bring relevant and valuable information to your target audience. It can help drive organic traffic to your website, increase its ranking on search engines, and provide your site with more inbound links.

2. How often should I publish blog posts?

It is recommended to publish blog posts at least once a week or twice a month to maintain consistency. Regularly sharing relevant and engaging content can help establish you as an authority in your industry and build trust with your audience.

3. How long should my videos be?

The ideal length of videos varies depending on the platform and the content you want to deliver. However, it’s generally best to keep videos concise and focused. Aim for engaging and informative videos ranging from a few minutes to 10 minutes.

4. What makes a compelling infographic?

Compelling infographics effectively communicate information through visually appealing designs with a clear and concise central message that provides practical benefits to the targeted audience. To achieve this, selecting appropriate graphics and using a simple style that guides the audience seamlessly throughout the infographic is also crucial.

5. How can I track the performance of my content on social media?

Most social media platforms offer analytics tools to monitor how your content performs. Pay attention to metrics such as impressions, engagements, clicks, and traffic referred back to your site. Use these insights to make.

Thanks For Reading !

Author - Athira Balan


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